Taking Agile Testing to the Extreme

On-Demand Webinar
Testing below the integration level has always been a best practice, but is often overlooked. Software testers have traditionally not had the skills or access to test below the user interface while developers have often not focused on testing their own code. The emergence of Agile and better design approaches have changed this, but there is still confusion as to what level developers and testers should focus on during Agile development efforts.
Join Jeffery Payne and testing expert David Bernstein from To Be Agile as they explore how to best test today’s applications and what types of testing are essential for software developers to focus on during iterations. Learn how to properly apply test-driven development (TDD) techniques to test at the unit and user story levels. Understand the critical role developer testing plays in an Agile process and how you can be a more effective tester. Whether you are a software developer, a software tester, an IT engineer, or in a software leadership role, you’ll leave with valuable insight into how effective developer testing is done today.
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