Test AND Code: How to Apply a Holistic Approach to Testing

The role of testing in a modern software development process continues to be confusing for many. Is it automated? Is it manual? Is testing a role? A job? Do we test before we code? After we code? During coding? To some extent the answers to these questions depend on context, but there are emerging models and concepts that seek to define how testing happens in a continuous world.
Listen in as Jeffery Payne and testing expert Janet Gregory from DragonFire Inc. explore what testing means today. Learn about Holistic Testing, a model created by Janet to capture the role of testing throughout the entire lifecycle. Learn how such a model emphasizes that testing is performed WITH coding and how to operationalize that thinking. Understand the importance of testing being part of the entire software lifecycle. Whether you are a software developer, a software tester, an IT engineer, or in a software leadership role, you’ll leave with valuable insight into how effective testing is done today.
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