Learn what agile is all about, why agile works, and how to effectively plan and develop software using agile principles. Successful participants will be certified by the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile) and awarded the ICAgile Certified Professional designation (ICP).Learn more
Dave Burke

Dave Burke is the COO of Coveros, Inc., where he has led the startup and growth of the company. Prior to Coveros, Dave was COO for Digital Focus, a software development consulting company that provided Agile adoption and software development services to customers ranging from enterprise class to entrepreneurial start-ups. Dave has nearly a decade of hands on experience helping clients understand, embrace, and gain business value using agile software development principles. He has led numerous enterprise level software development programs and projects, including the development of a large scale systems integration strategy for a global 100 communications company. Dave's experience spans the US market and Europe where he established and led a UK based subsidiary of Digital Focus.
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